"Düs, dogaya dönüsürdü. Yoksa hangi çiçek büyüyebilir ki!"

Düssel bosluklarda her nasilsa bitiveren kir nebatlari olusturuyor "In Bloom" operasinin mekanini. Formunu sakinmayan yapraklarin arasinda söyleniyor sarkilar. insan sesi hayvan seslerine karisiyor. Müsterek arzular yeniden kesfediliyor böylece: disler ve agiz, tirnaklar ve biteviye çiplaklik.

“In Bloom” Munken Pure 240 gr kagida 111 adet basildi, 6 nüsha sanatçiya, 6 nüsha yayinevine ayrildi, 99 nüsha koleksiyonerlere sunuldu. Her nüsha numaralandirildi ve sanatçi tarafindan imzalandi.


"Dream, it would evolve into nature. If not, how come a flower would grow!"

Flowers somehow sprouting in dream-like abysses within the space of the "In Bloom" opera. Songs are sung amongst leaves unfettering their form. Human voices mix up with those of animals. Thereby the common desires are rediscovered: teeth and mouth, nails and ceaseless nakedness.

"In Bloom" printed on Munken Pure 240 gr.
Is published as a limited edition of 111 copies, of which 6 copies are spared for the artist and 6 for the publishing house. 99 copies are offered to the collectors. Each copy is numbered and signed by the artist.

Norgunk Publishers, Istanbul

May | Mayis 2015

Kumran V

Printed and Binded by | Baski ve Cilt

Mas Matbaacilik

* Video courtesy of Isik Kaya